Go Scrapper API
Table of Contents
Go - This article is part of a series.
As I was exploring further about Go, I came across APIs in Go, which was very easy to build. So instead of going the traditional way and building a CRUD API, I decided to write a simple scrapper API. The API scraps Goodreads quotes page and returns a JSON of quotes with their authors.
Here I am using 2 modules,
I have built it and deployed it on Heroku.
Commands I ran from start to finish
To initiate the current folder/project as a module #
go mod init vigneshm.me/go-quotes-api
This creates a file called go.mod. This has the name of the project and the version of Go it uses.
To import modules #
go get github.com/gin-gonic/gin
go get github.com/gocolly/colly
This imports the modules and creates a go.sum file to add checksums for the modules it downloads. Also, the go.mod page gets filled with all the dependent modules info.
Next, I filled in the main.go with my code.
Now, for the part where I deploy the app in Heroku.
Install Heroku CLI #
npm install -g heroku
Login to Heroku #
heroku login -i
Initate a Git repo and commit the code #
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
Create a Procfile for Heroku #
touch Procfile
echo "web: bin/go-quotes-api" > Procfile
This tells Heroku to run the command on startup.
Create Heroku App #
heroku create go-quote-api
git push heroku master
This creates the Heroku app and pushes the code.
Heroku takes this code runs the build and exposes the app at https://app-name.herokuapp.com/
My app is available at https://go-quote-api.herokuapp.com/quotes/dumbledore
The last word can be replaced with any search criteria to search for quotes from your favorite character or book. Code can be found at https://github.com/vigneshm243/go-quotes-api.
Happy Coding!