Spring in depth 2
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Spring - This article is part of a series.
Spring in Depth 2 #
Component Scan #
By default, when we annotate a class with @SpringBootApplication, it performs a component scan because it’s a combination of @ComponentScan, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @Configuration.
@ComponentScan by default scans the package where the class is and the sub-packages of the package where the class is present. So what if you want to access beans not present in the same package.
By default, @ComponentScan means @ComponentScan("<package its present>"). So, if a specific package needs to be scanned, then we need to specify the package.
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "\<package to scan>")
If the bean is not present in the same package or @ComponentScan is missed, then it results in bean not found error.
Like how we are including packages, we can exclude them as well,
@ComponentScan(excludeFilters =
One thing to note would be to not put the @Configuration in the default package, which would lead Spring to scan all the packages present in classpath and fail to start up.
Life Cycle of a Bean #
The major life cycle stages of a bean in Spring IOC Container are as follows,
1. Bean Creation and Instantiate #
Bean created and loaded in application context.
2. Populating Bean properties #
Spring container will create a bean id, scope, default values based on the bean definition.
3. Post-initialization #
Spring provides Aware interfaces to access application bean details and callback methods to hook into the bean life cycle to execute custom logic.
4. Ready to Serve #
Bean is created and injected all the dependencies, all the Aware and callback methods implementation should be done. Bean is ready to serve.
5. Pre-destroy #
Spring provides callback methods to execute custom logic and clean-ups before destroying a bean from ApplicationContext.
6. Bean Destroyed #
Bean will be removed or destroyed from memory.
We can interface with lifecycle methods in 2 ways,
Spring Aware Interface #
Just a list of the Spring Aware interfaces available, generally not used much in practice.
Interface | Method |
BeanNameAware | public void setBeanName(String name) |
BeanClassLoaderAware | public void setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader beanClassLoader) |
BeanFactoryAware | public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) |
ApplicationContextAware | public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) |
@PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations #
To do something just after the bean is created, we can use the @PostConstruct.
public void preDestroy() {
//Initialize something if required
To do something, just before a bean is deleted.
public void preDestroy() {
//Clean up code, like closing a connection maybe