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Spring in depth 2

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Spring in Depth 2

Component Scan

By default, when we annotate a class with @SpringBootApplication, it performs a component scan because it’s a combination of @ComponentScan, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @Configuration.

@ComponentScan by default scans the package where the class is and the sub-packages of the package where the class is present. So what if you want to access beans not present in the same package.

By default, @ComponentScan means @ComponentScan("<package its present>"). So, if a specific package needs to be scanned, then we need to specify the package.

@ComponentScan(basePackages = "\<package to scan>")

If the bean is not present in the same package or @ComponentScan is missed, then it results in bean not found error.

Like how we are including packages, we can exclude them as well,

@ComponentScan(excludeFilters = 

One thing to note would be to not put the @Configuration in the default package, which would lead Spring to scan all the packages present in classpath and fail to start up.

Life Cycle of a Bean

The major life cycle stages of a bean in Spring IOC Container are as follows,

1. Bean Creation and Instantiate

Bean created and loaded in application context.

2. Populating Bean properties

Spring container will create a bean id, scope, default values based on the bean definition.

3. Post-initialization

Spring provides Aware interfaces to access application bean details and callback methods to hook into the bean life cycle to execute custom logic.

4. Ready to Serve

Bean is created and injected all the dependencies, all the Aware and callback methods implementation should be done. Bean is ready to serve.

5. Pre-destroy

Spring provides callback methods to execute custom logic and clean-ups before destroying a bean from ApplicationContext.

6. Bean Destroyed

Bean will be removed or destroyed from memory.

We can interface with lifecycle methods in 2 ways,

Spring Aware Interface

Just a list of the Spring Aware interfaces available, generally not used much in practice.

Interface Method
BeanNameAware public void setBeanName(String name)
BeanClassLoaderAware public void setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader beanClassLoader)
BeanFactoryAware public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory)
ApplicationContextAware public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)

@PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations

To do something just after the bean is created, we can use the @PostConstruct.

public void preDestroy() {
  //Initialize something if required

To do something, just before a bean is deleted.

public void preDestroy() {
  //Clean up code, like closing a connection maybe
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